On 28 March, from 15:45 to 16:45 CET, ENIL will deliver a workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Independent Living, as part of the online National Voice conference run by Self Directed Support Scotland.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key tool for people with disabilities, offering enhanced independence through technologies like image recognition apps, dictation software, and smart home devices. These innovations improve access to education, employment, and social interaction, enabling people to perform tasks that might have previously required human assistance. However, the integration of AI also introduces significant risks, including discrimination and exclusion, due to societal biases embedded in AI algorithms and a lack of adequate representation in technology development. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to develop ethical, inclusive AI systems that consider the diverse needs of people with disabilities.
This workshop will look at the challenges and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for persons with disabilities.
Maitreya Shah, who is currently conducting a study for ENIL on the experiences of people with disabilities with AI, will present the results of the study and his research on AI and disability. |
Björn Lubetzki, from Bridge the Gap, will speak about their efforts to make the tech world more inclusive. Additionally, Björn will delve into artificial intelligence, exploring both its incredible potential and the critical challenges it presents. |
Please, register for the workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/artificial-intelligence-and-independent-living-tickets-860798129377?aff=oddtdtcreator