Call for applications: external evaluation. Illustration of a paper with things that are correct and things that aren't

Deadline for applications: 16th June 2023

  1. About ENIL
    ENIL is a forum for all disabled people, Independent Living organisations and their non-disabled allies on the issues of Independent Living. ENIL represents the disability movement for human rights and social inclusion, based on solidarity, peer support, deinstitutionalisation, democracy, self-representation, cross-disability and self-determination.
    Our vision is of Europe where all disabled people are able to exercise choice and control over their lives, on an equal level with others; where they are valued members of the community and can enjoy all of their human rights, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  2. Purpose of Evaluation
    • Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of ENIL’s processes and work in 2022 and 2023
    • Identify key areas where we can improve our work
    • Measure whether ENIL has reached its objectives as expressed in its work programme
    • Use results to evaluate our work, assess our strengths and weaknesses and to plan for continuous improvement

  3. Key evaluation questions
    The evaluation will address at least the following guiding questions:
    • Does ENIL show sufficient operational and professional capacities to implement and coordinate the foreseen activities in its work plan based on the requirements of the CERV programme?
    • Does ENIL provide efficient methodology for implementing the activities (organization of work, allocation of resources, monitoring strategies, evaluation of risks and identification of ethical issues)?
    • Does ENIL contribute to the development of EU law and policy and what is the European added value of the proposed activities?
    • Does ENIL provide sufficient opportunities of capacity building activities to its membership and to the relevant stakeholders?
    • What are the key issues ENIL should pay attention for organisational strengthening and future strategy development?
    • How can ENIL improve impact and show the results of our work?

  4. Methodology
    The evaluator will have the possibility to review external and internal documents, and to speak to members of ENIL’s governing bodies. The evaluator can also interview ENIL staff, volunteers, members, partner organisations and donors.

  5. Requirements/selection criteria
    • Official self-employed status
    • The consultant/s is independent from ENIL and has not worked for ENIL in the past or been part of its governing bodies
    • Knowledge of European networks or disability networks
    • Experience in evaluation of non-profit organisations, and ideally of coalitions and networks
    • Demonstrated analytical, communication and report-writing skills
    • Ideally has a knowledge of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, accessibility, independent living and inclusion of disabled people
    • Fluent in written and spoken English
    • Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply

  6. Deliverables and timelines
    • Evaluation plan presented to ENIL by 21st July 2023
    • Draft evaluation report by 10 October 2023
    • Final evaluation report to be delivered to the ENIL Board in late November 2023
    • A short summary of the evaluation for public communication
    ENIL will be available to review each draft and provide feedback within 2 weeks.

  7. Budget
    The maximum budget planned for this work is 6,000 €, including VAT.

  8. How to apply
    Please send your application by email to by Friday 16th of June 2023.
    Your application should include:
    • Curriculum vitae
    • A brief description of your experience in assessing the performance of international not-for-profit organizations, networks and coalitions and your experience in the disability field
    • A proposed methodology of how you would approach this work, including the schedule
    • A written work sample
    Note: Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted.