Why donate
ENIL is uncompromising in promoting independent living for all
The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) brings together user led disability organisations, mostly working at grassroots level. Recognising the difficult situation such organisations find themselves in across Europe, we do not have a membership fee in place and therefore rely on project funding and donations from our members.
Since 2022, our core funding comes from the European Commission grant for EU level disability rights networks, with co-funding provided by our members ULOBA (Norway), STIL and GIL (Sweden). We are working towards becoming less dependent on the European Commission funding and diversifying our funding sources. This is important for our independence and also means we can keep our membership free of charge.
We have small overheads, with all the staff involved in carrying out core activities. We rely on volunteers for fundraising, translations and many other important pieces of work, such as representing ENIL and speaking about Independent Living at various meetings, conferences and trainings. The outstanding work done by our Youth Network is currently entirely dependent on voluntary contributions of its members.

How do we use your donation
We support grassroots advocacy
Your support – whether it is 5 EUR or 100 EUR – would help us expand our work and reach more disabled activists across Europe. Just to give you an idea of what we can do with your donations, below are some examples:
The cost of organising the three-day Freedom Drive for about 200 disabled activists from across Europe: app. 35,000 € (on top of this, we fundraise from the City of Brussels and solicit free venues or donations in kind)
The cost of organising a three-day study session on personal assistance for 15 disabled participants from across Europe in Sweden: app. 20,000 €
The cost of researching and writing a report on the use of EU funding for deinstitutionalisation: app. 10,000 €
The cost of one-week leadership training for one young disabled person and their personal assistant in Bulgaria: app. 1,500 €
The cost of having a PA to support a disabled trainer for 6 days in different regions of Belarus: app. 700 €
Hire us
Consultancy services
ENIL offers a range of tailor-made services in the area of disability. Our consultancy services aim to support the independent living and inclusion of disabled people in society and are delivered, wherever possible, by disabled people themselves.
We design and deliver customised training courses on a wide range of disability related topics, for example: Independent Living; Social Model of Disability; Disability and human rights; the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; EU legislation and policies in the area of disability; EU funding instruments; Accessibility; Deinstitutionalisation; Developing community-based services; Personal assistance and direct payments; Co-production: key principles and practices; Peer counselling and support; Disability hate speech and hate crime.
We organise tailor-made study visits to countries in Europe where participants can learn from the countries’ experience in a specific disability-related area. The visits usually include presentations as well as visits to organisations and institutions involved in the development and implementation of disability policies, the planning and provision of support and services or their monitoring and evaluations.
We offer advice and support to decision and policy makers, human rights bodies, service providers and non-governmental organisations. We can provide support in the development and implementation of strategies, policies, programmes and projects concerning disabled people’s inclusion and participation in community. We can also assist with the monitoring and evaluation of small or large-scale disability projects and programmes and with assessing the intended or unintended impact of different interventions on disabled people.
We carry out accessibility audits of buildings and events, such as trainings, conferences, and meetings. For more information about our consultancy services, see here.
As a thank you…
For your support
Pledge 25 € or more:
you will get an ENIL badge.
Pledge 50 € or more:
you will get a Freedom Drive T-shirt.
Pledge 250 € or more:
your name or logo will appear in ENIL’s Annual Report and you will get a Freedom Drive T-shirt.
Pledge 1,000 € or more:
your name or logo will appear in ENIL’s Annual Report and on the Freedom Drive T-shirt, and you will get a Freedom Drive T-shirt.
Donate Now
You can make a donation by bank transfer or via Pay Pal (either by clicking the “Donate” button or by scanning the QR code).
IBAN BE38001759664872

Thank you for your continued support!
The work programme of the European Network on Independent Living during 2022 – 2025 is funded by the European Union (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme – CERV), ULOBA, STIL and GIL.