The European Network on Independent Living is organising a regional members’ meeting in Warsaw, Poland, on 9-10 September 2019. Due to the limited budget, this meeting is by invitation only.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for our members from Central and Eastern Europe, and the Baltics, to gather and speak about the Independent Living situation in their countries and the work they are doing to promote IL. We will give updates on ENIL’s work, and will be able to discuss how we can strengthen our cooperation and support each other more. The meeting will provide an opportunity to learn from each other, to hear about some of the successes, but also set backs, and bring ideas and knowledge back home.
The second day of the meeting will be open to Polish participants, with the objective of sharing knowledge on Personal Assistance schemes and deinstitutionalisation.
ENIL is organising this meeting in cooperation with the Independent Living Institute from Warsaw. The meeting is funded by the Open Society Foundations – Public Health Programme.
For more information please contact Kamil Goungor at: