Towards an ENIL Electoral Manifest. 4 February 2024, 15:00 to 17:00, on Zoom. Image of people writing on a paper.

Members consultation on the 14th of February 2024, 15.00 – 17.00

From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024 the 10th European Elections will take place. 350 million people are eligible to vote a new European Parliament, making it one of the largest democratic exercises in the world.

For the Independent Living Movement two crucial aspects are at stake. First of all, we need to do what we can to ensure the new Members of the European Parliament support Independent Living of disabled people. To check the candidates, we need electoral demands. Second, we need to position ourselves on the crucial topics of European Integration and Democracy. In many European countries far right parties who would like their countries to exit the European Union are on the rise. Without the EU, peace and prosperity on our continent are threatened. The new far right is also a threat to democracy. Without democracy, we would not be able to conduct our political activities and we would not have a chance to put Independent Living into practice. We ned to make it clear that we want a strong and democratic European Union.

To gather input for our electoral manifest, we would like to meet with the ENIL members on the 14th from 15:00 to 17:00 for a brain storming session. Policy Coordinator Florian will present some initial ideas for political demands. Afterwards, every participant is asked to present some ideas too. We will write all ideas down. Before we end the session, we will review all the input together.

ENIL members can register using this link.

15:00Welcome and introduction

Florian Sanden, ENIL Policy Coordinator
15:10Open brainstorming

All participants

Participants are asked to give short presentations (3 to 5 minutes) about their ideas for the ENIL electoral manifest
16:40Revision of notes from the meeting
17:00The end