On 10 December, the Human Rights Day, the European Network on Independent Living – ENIL published the first results of the Independent Living Survey. The aim of the online survey was to collect general information about access to Independent Living of disabled people across Europe, and detailed information about Personal Assistance schemes or systems. The survey, which was open from the end of June until September, targeted countries within the Council of Europe, and the information received was compiled in a Summary report and 43 country sheets.

The first results were published at an online launch, which included personal testimonies from Finland, Georgia, Croatia and Portugal, as well as reactions to ENIL’s findings by Katarina Ivankovic-Knezevic, Director at DG Employment, European Commission, Sergio Aires, from MEP Marisa Matias Office, and Robert Jan Uhl, from the EU Fundamental Rights Agency. MEP Katrin Langensiepen and ENIL Co-chairs Jamie Bolling and Nadia Hadad helped open and close the event.

The recording of the launch will be published on our website in the coming days.

The Summary report and country sheets are available here. They will continue to be updated until the end of January 2021, when the process will be completed.