The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) attaches great importance to the protection of privacy of its website visitors and service users. Our privacy policy applies to all personal data processed by ENIL, registered at Rue de l’Industrie, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
We are committed to being clear and transparent about the type of data we collect and how we use them. For this reason, we have put together these Frequently Asked Questions, which explain our Privacy Policy..
If you would like to read ENIL’s Privacy Policy in full, please click here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What type of data does ENIL collect?
ENIL collects only those data that are strictly necessary for the running of the organisation. We aim to be clear about the reasons why we collect data, to obtain your consent in all circumstances and to ask for your permission in case there are any changes to how we plan to use your data.
We collect personal contact details, so that we can communicate with our members, or share information about our work, for example.
We may ask individuals for their passport or ID data, in case we are organising an event in the European Parliament, for example, and these are required by the Parliament’s security department. We also ask individuals for their bank details, in case we need to reimburse their costs.
In some cases, we collect individual’s personal information, such as gender, date of birth, access needs or dietary requirements. We might need these to organise events or to show our funders how many people of certain age or gender benefited from our activities.
We also collect information about the organisations individuals are affiliated with, in case they are applying for organisational membership, for example, or if this is a condition for participating in an event.
2. Why does ENIL collect such data?
We collect personal details for a limited number of reasons, and these are clearly set out in our Privacy Policy:
• To be able to function as a network of both organisational and individual members, and to maintain our governance structure; • To enable individuals to participate in our events and activities;
• To disseminate information, through Newsletters, or mailings for members;
• To communicate and share information on social media;
• To collect views by running surveys;
• To apply for funding and to report to funders;
• To collect donations;
• To employ staff and to host volunteers at our office in Brussels. We collect personal details for a limited number of reasons, and these are clearly set out in our Privacy Policy:
• To be able to function as a network of both organisational and individual members, and to maintain our governance structure;
• To enable individuals to participate in our events and activities;
• To disseminate information, through Newsletters, or mailings for members;
• To communicate and share information on social media;
• To collect views by running surveys;
• To apply for funding and to report to funders;
• To collect donations;
• To employ staff and to host volunteers at our office in Brussels. If we decide we need to collect data for any other reason, we will change our Privacy Policy and inform everyone.
If we decide we need to collect data for any other reason, we will change our Privacy Policy and inform everyone.
3. How does ENIL make sure the data it collects are used and stored safely?
Only the staff members responsible for a specific area have access to the relevant data. Every person working at ENIL must sign up to the organisation’s Privacy Policy and is trained in keeping the data safe.
We use passwords on all the systems and back up the data in case of physical or technical accidents.
We store data for a limited time only, not longer than 5 years after its last active use.
4. Does ENIL share data with third parties?
In some cases, we need to share data with third parties. For example, we use website hosting and a marketing platform in order to send out our Newsletters or members’ mailings. We also employ people, so have to share data with the social security agency, for example. You will find a list of all the third parties in our Privacy Policy.
Beyond these, we will not share data with any other third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so. This could be the case if there is a police investigation, and we are required to cooperate and share certain data.
We do not share data with third parties outside the EU, because they are not required to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
5. Who can you contact if you are concerned about the use of your data?
If you have any concerns, please contact the ENIL Brussels Office at secretariat@enil.eu. You can also complain to the Belgian Privacy Commission.
6. Where can you find out more about ENIL’s Privacy Policy?
To read ENIL’s Privacy Policy in full, please click here. Our Privacy Policy is also available in Dutch ( click here for the Dutch version).
If you would like to learn more about the EU rules on privacy – the so-called GDPR – please click here.