FURI – EU Funds for fundamental rights

FURI: The EU funds for fundamental rights project

What is FURI?

The EU Funds for Fundamental Rights project (FURI) aims to address fundamental rights compliance in EU-funded projects. The initiative brings together different stakeholders across Europe to ensure that EU funds are allocated in ways that comply with and respect the fundamental rights of marginalized groups, such as Roma, disabled people, and people with a migrant background.

The project will work closely with non-governmental organizations, fundamental rights bodies, public authorities, and media representatives to establish a strong framework for protecting fundamental rights of marginalized groups in EU-funded projects.


EU funds have an obligation to comply with legal requirements, particularly the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Charter). However, over the past years, non-governmental organizations have uncovered several EU-funded projects where the fundamental rights of marginalized groups have been violated in the following areas: 

  • Segregated education and housing;
  • Institutionalisation of disabled people and children deprived of parental care;
  • Inequal and discriminatory access to public services;
  • Deprivation of liberty of people with a migrant background regardless of residence status.

These violations concern the Charter, but also other international fundamental rights instruments such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). Instead of developing solutions to enable independent living in the community, such as introducing personal assistance, EU funds are misused to invest in maintaining the existent institutions or expanding them, contributing to the segregation of disabled people. 

The role of ENIL

Deinstitutionalization of disabled people is a priority area for ENIL. We have been consistently  committed to uncovering rights violations in EU-funded projects and addressing violations of both the UN CRPD and the Charter.

Together with Validity Foundation, ENIL is an international partner of the FURI project. Besides leading one of the tasks on submitting complaints of alleged violations, at national and European level, ENIL will undertake a wide range of activities, including:

  • Awareness raising activities and campaigns ;
  • Advocacy activities;
  • Training and capacity building activities;
  • Mutual learning and exchange activities;
  • Analytical activities and data collection;
  • Information and dissemination activities.

Which organisations take part in the project?

Greek Council of Refugees (lead partner and coordinator, Greece)

Bridge EU (thematic coordinator, Belgium)

Validity Foundation (international partner together with ENIL, Hungary)

Network of Independent Experts (national partner, Bulgaria)

Awen Amenca (national partner, Czech Republic)

Policy Center for Roma and Minorities (national partner, Romania)

Partners Hungary Foundation (national partner, Hungary)Instytut Niezaleznego Zycia (national partner, Poland)

What is the purpose of the FURI project?

The primary purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders at both EU and national level to:

  • Raise awareness on the applicability of the Charter in EU funding;
  • Monitor the implementation of the Charter in EU funding;
  • Ensure compliance of EU funding with the Charter. 

The 6 Member States involved are Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Greece, Poland, and Romania.

How will FURI achieve its goal?

The FURI project will achieve its goals through a several activities, including:

  • Raising awareness;
  • Capacity building;
  • Monitoring action and mechanisms to track compliance;
  • Educating stakeholders about the Charter of Fundamental Rights;
  • Educating about the relevance to EU funding;
  • Developing policy recommendations to address the identified violations.

To read more: https://enil.eu/funding/