Statement on the situation of Disabled People in Gaza. photo of a woman in a wheelchair being carried through the crowd and rubble.

The European Network on Independent Living – ENIL expresses deep concern about the situation of disabled people in armed conflicts globally, where they experience neglect and disproportionate rates of death and injury. We are particularly alarmed about the humanitarian condition of disabled people in Gaza, who are disproportionately affected by the conflict escalation in the past few months, resulting in aid blockages and military attacks on civilian populations.

Aid blockages deny humanitarian goods – such as adequate food, water, shelter, and basic medicine – from entering Gaza. Disabled people are already facing difficulties accessing information and basic services. The risk of abandonment, injury, and death is exacerbated in the case of those internally displaced. Separated from their support, families and networks, and deprived of their assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, artificial limbs and communication aids, for many disabled people it is impossible to evacuate their homes or to flee the war. The abandonment of disabled people in informal shelters due to lack of accessibility can make the situation even more critical. Furthermore, due to stigma and discrimination, people with psychosocial disabilities are being excluded from access to shelters and health services. 

ENIL recalls the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2475 (2019) on the protection of persons with disabilities in conflict, as well as Article 11 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, calling State Parties to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of disabled people in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict and humanitarian emergency. Yet, ENIL regrets the fact that indiscriminate attacks, bombing, the blockages of humanitarian aid, power outages, and the increasing use of drones are placing significant obstacles for disabled people in accessing basic services, including food, shelter, healthcare, sexual and reproductive health services, humanitarian assistance, and justice. Disabled women and girls are exposed to a higher risk of sexual and gender-based violence. In particular, women with intellectual disabilities are more likely to be victims of rape or other forms of sexual violence in refugee and displacement camps.

In addition, the disability rates in Gaza, which were already high prior to the conflict, are exacerbated by the numerous physical and mental threats, aggravating pre-existing disabilities and leading to secondary disabilities. Many people become disabled as a result of armed attacks and military violence. Data collection on the increasing disability rates in Gaza is complex. This leads to uninformed policies and lack of disability inclusion across the humanitarian programme cycle.

Disabled children are also bearing the direct impact of the conflict. Often separated from their families and caregivers, they are expected to face long-term consequences in terms of both physical and mental health. The continuous disruption of education and the lack of learning opportunities, along with post-traumatic stress, are contributing to their further segregation. It is estimated that since 7 October 2023, more than 1,000 children in Gaza have lost a limb, and many have gone through surgical interventions without receiving anaesthesia. 

Furthermore, refugee and displacement settings are often not accessible or lack formal procedures to identify all disabled refugees, consequently failing to provide them with essential services and protection.

Disabled people’s right to safety and dignity must be ensured in the Gaza strip, taking action so they are not further impacted by the armed conflict. We call on all humanitarian actors, including international organisations, non-governmental organisations, donors and civil society, to:

  • Ensure that all disabled people, with specific attention to women, children, refugees and internally displaced persons, are accounted for, protected, and provided with immediate safe access to humanitarian aid, including all essential services.
  • Adopt a twin-track approach, taking specific action to address the needs of disabled people, while mainstreaming disability inclusion into all actions;
  • Improve data collection on disabled people, focusing on their needs;
  • Provide direct financial support to local disability organisations, adapted to their needs;
  • Foster meaningful participation and leadership of disabled people and their representative organisations through all stages of the humanitarian programme cycle, in line with the CRPD and IASC Guidelines.

ENIL also endorsed the Open letter to the international disability rights community from :

Contact information:

ENIL Brussels Office vzw/asbl

Mundo J – 6th Floor, Rue de l’Industrie 10, 1000 Brussels
