
Personal assistance in Slovenia and the problem of understanding Independent Living Personal assistance in Slovenia and the problem of understanding Independent Living

By Elena Pecaric, Why has there been such a departure from the original intent of Personal Assistance Act in 2019: Personal assistance (PA) ...

A look at Personal Assistance in Italy A look at Personal Assistance in Italy

Despite the presence of a national law stating the right of independent living and personal assistance for people with disabilities, allocation of funding and ...

Statement on the European Care Strategy Statement on the European Care Strategy

Statement of the European Network on Independent Living on the European Care Strategy The full statement can be downloaded here. The European Network on ...

Freedom Drive Demands 2022 Freedom Drive Demands 2022

From the 26th to the 28th of September 2022, the European Network on Independent Living – ENIL will hold its 10th edition of the ...

ENIL Task Force on Independent Living meets for the first time ENIL Task Force on Independent Living meets for the first time

On 25 May the ENIL Task Force on Independent Living meet for the first time, online on Zoom. 25 members of ENIL and allied ...

UN Committee Slams Finnish Authorities over Personal Assistance UN Committee Slams Finnish Authorities over Personal Assistance

In a key decision the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the UN overturned the decision by public authorities in Finland ...

Fighting for Personal Assistance in Norway Fighting for Personal Assistance in Norway

Spring time symbolises great activity in ULOBA. 2022 is no exception as we work for better personal assistance, the incorporation of the CRPD and ...

Explainer: Difference between Personal Assistance and Home Care Explainer: Difference between Personal Assistance and Home Care

Personal assistance (PA) is a key prerequisite for Independent Living. Therefore, it is essential that policy makers, as well as training and commissioning officers, ...

Personal Assistance in France: An Update Personal Assistance in France: An Update

In France, the 2005 law gave us, among other things, the right to publicly-funded Personal Assistance. After filing a request to the local agency responsible ...

Building a Network of Personal Assistance Supporters in Turkey Building a Network of Personal Assistance Supporters in Turkey

What is personal assistance and how to make it a reality in Turkey? These were some of the key questions addressed during the two-day ...

Personal assistance Personal assistance

Personal assistance is purchased through earmarked cash allocations for disabled people, the purpose of which is to pay for any assistance needed.

Personal Assistance in the Czech Republic: A Reality Check Personal Assistance in the Czech Republic: A Reality Check

I have been disabled for almost 20 years. When my health deteriorated to the point that I needed support for my basic needs, I ...