Study Session 2024
On 10-15 June, in cooperation with the CEJI, and the support of the Council of Europe, we co-hosted in the European Youth Centre Strasbourg, France, the study session titled “Creating Safe(r) and Brave(r) Spaces”. It aimed to empower young people to create safe(r), brave(r) and inclusive societies where intersectional experiences are lived and valued through multi-faceted respect for diversity.
Study session 2023
The ENIL Youth Network, in cooperation with the Council of Europe, is holding a study session at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg (EYCS) from 12th June to 17th June. The title of the study session will be "Crip Camp: Disability Rights in Times of Conflict and Calamity", covering a wide range of themes such as disability rights in war and climate change.
Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe
The Advisory Council on Youth is the non-governmental partner in the co-
management structure which establishes the standards and work priorities of the
Council of Europe’s youth sector and makes recommendations for future priorities,
programmes and budgets. It is made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and
networks in Europe and its main task is to advise the Committee of Ministers on all
questions relating to youth.