Support Disabled People's right to live independently. Photo of the website of the fundraising page. ENIL logo and co-funded by the EU. Fundraiser for the rights of Disabled People

A few weeks ago, we’ve been contacted by Max Thurston, a PhD researcher and passionate adventure cyclist from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, now living in Helsinki, Finland. Max contacted us with a very specific project in mind. His aim was to cycle around the world, while raising awareness of the rights of Disabled People. A project that immediately caught our interest!

“My journey will take me through at least 26 unique countries, covering approximately 25,000 km, and living for a year and a half on my bike. Throughout my ride I’m sure I’ll meet an uncountable number of amazing people with diverse cultural backgrounds and personal stories, and make many new friends. But I’m also sure I’ll encounter many struggles and hardships, and witness the challenges and hard realities of life for many people throughout my route. Having seen the unjust barriers faced by people with disabilities, I have developed a personal passion for supporting the fight for accessibility and social inclusion for all Disabled People. It is my mission to use my ride to tell meaningful stories from people with disabilities themselves, as well as raise money and awareness for amazing organizations fighting for a more accessible and inclusive world for people with disabilities throughout my journey.”

For the occasion, Max created a fundraising page to help fight for the rights of Disabled People.

You can access the page and make your donations right here.

  • You can also find out more about Max and his adventure in the interview we conducted here.
  • You can also read the article we’ve made with Max here.