Governing structure
General Assembly: ENIL’s organisational structure is built around its General Assembly, which elects the Board. Every full member (organisational or individual) can vote in the General Assembly. Associate members can take part in the General Assembly, but cannot vote.
Board: The Board consists of nine members, all of whom are disabled people. The Board is responsible for implementation of the decisions made by the General Assembly through guiding the work of the ENIL Secretariat. For this purpose, a Management Team operates, comprised of the Director and two of the Board members. For the purpose of ensuring sound financial management and compliance with the law, an Audit Committee is also in place, composed of the Office Manager, two Board members and external experts.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee is elected at the General Assembly. Its role is to announce the call for new Board members, verify nominations and put them forward to the General Assembly for election. There are four members of the Committee: Miro Griffiths (United Kingdom), Vanya Pandieva (Bulgaria), Gregor Fajdiga (Slovenia) and Mathilde Fuchs (France).
Advisory Board: The function of the Advisory Board is to facilitate decision-making by offering their knowledge and experience when consulted by the ENIL Board. The Advisory board members are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the ENIL Board. They are Rafaello Belli (Italy), Sue Bott (United Kingdom), John Evans (United Kingdom), Gordana Rajkov (Serbia), Milica Mima Ruzicic Novkovic (Serbia) and Adolf Ratzka (Sweden).
ENIL Brussels Office Secretariat: The Secretariat is located in Brussels. It employs administrative, advocacy and project staff and hosts interns and volunteers. Some staff members are located in different European countries, working remotely with the Brussels Office.
Youth Network: Following the 2015 Freedom Drive, the ENIL Youth Network was formally established as a subgroup within ENIL. The ENIL Youth Network has its own Constitution, agreed by the ENIL Youth Board. The Youth Board consists of six board members and is elected at the Youth Network’s General Assembly.

ENIL Board
Click here for short bios of all members of the ENIL board (opens in a new tab)
ENIL Secretariat
Frank Sioen
Zara Todd
Senior Advisor
Dr Teodor Mladenov
Coordinator of the Independent Living Research Network
Nic Crosby
European Coalition for Community Living