BODYS Position on the Directive on the Protection of Adults

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Empfehlungen zur Verordnung zum Schutz Erwachsener

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Brief an Staatssekretär Dr. Rolf Schmachtenberg

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Brief an Staatssekretärin Dr. Angelika Schlunck

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Amendments to the regulation on the protection of vulnerable adults

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Recommendations concerning the regulation on the cross-border protection of vulnerable adults

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ENIL Manifesto to the European Elections and the European Parliament legislature 2024-2029

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Proposal to the Framework on Social Services of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities

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Statement by Ukrainian and International Disability Rights Organizations

November 2023

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Statement of the European Network on Independent Living on the European Disability and the European Parking Card

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Amendments of the European Network on Independent Living To the Draft Council Conclusions on the transition of care systems throughout life towards holistic, person-centred and community-based models (11993/23, SOC 549, EMPL 387, GENDER 167)

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Lecco Declaration on Accessible and Inclusive Public Transport

July 2022

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Contribution to the report mandated by A/HRC/49/12 of the Human Rights Council – Good practices

July 2023

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Proposal for the European Commission Guidance on Independent Living

March 2023

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Submission by ENIL on support systems for Disabled People

August 2022

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WHO and OHCHR Draft Guidance on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation

August 2022

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ENIL Shadow report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the European Union

June 2022

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Open Letter to the European Commission regarding Children with Disabilities from Ukraine

June 2022

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ENIL’s and ILI’s Position on the EU Disability Strategy 2021 – 2030

May 2021

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ENIL’s Feedback on the Action Plan to Implement the European Pillar of Social Rights

November 2020

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Feedback on the Roadmap for Union of Equality: Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

November 2020

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Joint response to the European Commission roadmap for the Child Guarantee by the European Network on Independent Living, Validity Foundation and the Disability Rights International

November 2020

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ENIL’s Proposals for the Post 2020 European Disability Strategy

January 2020

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The right to live and grow up in a family for all children (2019)


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ENIL-ECCL List of Issues in relation to the initial report of the European Union Comments on Article 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) 

24 August 2015

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ENIL-ECCL Response to the European Ombudsman own initiative inquiry OI/8/2014/AN concerning the respect for fundamental rights in the implementation of the EU cohesion policy 

25 February 2015

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ENIL’s Recommendations to the new Disability Intergroup at the European Parliament

September 2014

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“Developing a Strategy to Promote the Rights of People with Disabilities”

December 2013

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Freedom of Movement

September 2019

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